
....... Curiosity. It drives us. It seduces us. Some say necesity was the mother of invention,
but i think it was curiosity. I also say that stupidity was the mother of intervention.
But that is beside the point. The point that im trying to make is that people will do
the stupidest things because they are curious. Im not talking about drugs and sex or
something, im talking about when you find a secret passageway in someones house, you
just have to follow it. And it inevitably brings you to some sort of dilema,
which you probly will overcome, but with some diffuculty. At
least thats what happens in movies. But what im trying to say is, wouldnt we all be much
better off, if Eve hadnt been curious as to whats it like to know good from evil? Or if
no one ever wondered if we could split an atom?.. I bet your wondering, "whats all this
hubbub about curiosity for?". Well Ill tell you. For some reason, there is a button at
the end of this page. Im not really sure what it does. It could just do nothing. It
could send you a virus. Mabye it just opens an infinite amount of windows on your screen.

(please rollover me)
Dont hurts.

Or just possibly, it will open a page that will reveal the secrets of the
universe to you. But why risk it? i mean really, are you doing so bad without knowing
the secrets of the univers? Couldnt you survive just fine by not clicking it and finding
it does nothing. Because knowing me, and believe me i do, it probly does something that
you dont want, just to piss you off. But mabye its really cool. Or mabye its fatal...
i can just hear ppl saying to themselves, "Ho Ho, im so clever, ill just wait for other
ppl to click it and ask THEM what it does!." You genius. Except what if its so cool,
that all who see it swear themselves to secrecy and denial. And what if everyone thinks
like you, and noone ever clicks this button. And this is not about bravery either.
Bravery does not entail blindly running into possible danger. Bravery is knowing the
danger but facing it anyway. You know nothing. But thats all i have to say. You can
click the button, and accept your impending fate, or, you could play it safe.
However, i sincerely suggest that you do not.
The rest is up to you.





........................................................i just wanna go HOME











