Hotdogs are made from lies and deceit
Personality Test Utilizing the following information about you, we can scientificaly prove what kind of fruit you are best represented by!!! . . Sex?....Yes, please! (tee-hee, I'm like Austin Powers) Male Female Hermaphrodite Other (i.e., Marylin Manson) .. What do you look for most in those of the opposite sex?Tender, caring personality Heterosexuality Black hair, and green eyes, and a freckle under right eye. Money, power, straight teeth. I could care less. .. What is your favorite colorBlack, like death I am color blind I like rainbows Grey White Blood red. .. If a dog stole your steak you would:Bark, and fight for it back Cry, because you realized that your dog actually dominates over you. Shoot the dog, and eat it along with your steak. Sic the cat on it. Settle for some cocoa-puffs. .. I consider myself a:Pesimist Narcisist Sadist Optomist Nostalgic Humanist Chinaist Racist Communist .. What fruit do you best like?Apples Bannanas Watermelons Pomegranates Tomatoes (ooo, tomatoes are fruit) Human flesh. . Please choose one of the following, I don't care which: Choose this one to win. (Select One Fool) Your face Hi mom, I'm in L.A. Secret destroyer. Jack in the Box Bill Gates in a jar. Aslan killed Simba. Chairs are a many splended thing. 10101110101100 Delaware, Mexico. How do you like me now? .sdrawkcab si sihT Cherry trees cry. Shapoopie, that girl. Do NOT click this Illness tickles. String in your brain. Qwerty Lousy Freshmen. Milk got you? Feed Tibet! True sentence fragment. That area between your fingers. Tire pressure??? Of course not. Zippity doo dah. .
Personality Test
Utilizing the following information about you, we can scientificaly prove what kind of fruit you are best represented by!!! . .
Are you getting the best broadband speed? Do you care? I don't.