<HOME> ..........................................................................................Rushualand: PRAISE .............................................................................................

NoMnGo4yOu: yeah its hilarious
lukeb23: yeah, that was kinda freaky
leiz845137: it scares me!
sweeti337: what the heck is this?
supastarak: its pointless
NoMnGo4yOu: i am totally on key with you guys
Ms. Koolhaus "If I didn't know you guys, I would be really scared."
MuLHoLLaND274: i am rushuas biggest fan
andreadb13: you rushua ppl are crazy!
SmarterChild: Rushua? I'm somewhat indifferent to rushua.
RDsafari67: thats SOOOOO random
Nate Gibson "Props to you guys...You guys are more warped than Jack Handey"
Keith Lemay "Does it have pictures of men kissing eachother?!??"
...no keith, bad keith
skiman1717: you are doing a poor job of entertaining









