Deep thoughts springing from my
- What really is life? In order to
understand this, we must first try and comprehend
the letter "q". Isn't it silly looking?
- What do you get when you cross a sea
anemone, a newspaper, and a barn owl? Nothing.
It is a scientific impossibility
- Deep down, we are all of us fledgling
penguins, desperately struggling to escape the frigid sea
that is Tax Day.
- Can turtles whistle? Is it even
mathematicaly possibile? Only I shall ever
- When you think about it, an automobile is
nothing but a few thousand different parts all
so cleverly arranged in a way that costs you money.
- This website is nothing more than a
sequence of 1's and 0's fervently attempting to claim a stronghold
in the never ceasing flow of the internet, caught in a perpetual struggle of titan
- I look forward to graduating
highschool. And then graduating college. And then graduating
from a job (retiring). And then graduating to......death? Oh dear I
have wet myself. ohhhhh
- Usurpers come in all shapes and
sizes. Pay closer attention to the five legged ant next
- What kind of a state is Ohio? I dont believe
in Ohio.
(note: this really is part of my site and is not an