Rushua Land!!! AHHHHH NOOOOOOOO!!!
ignore him...

Welcome to A While......................Send Me Money

More stories when I get around to it
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Comments, inquiries...slander? email them to and maybe eventually the bureaucracy of my left hand will sort it out...maybe...blink

Deep thoughts springing from my mind.

  • What really is life?  In order to understand this, we must first try and comprehend the letter "q".  Isn't it silly looking?
  • What do you get when you cross a sea anemone, a newspaper, and a barn owl?  Nothing.  It is a scientific impossibility
  • Deep down, we are all of us fledgling penguins, desperately struggling to escape the frigid sea that is Tax Day.
  • Can turtles whistle? Is it even  mathematicaly  possibile? Only I shall ever know.
  • When you think about it, an automobile is nothing but a few thousand different parts all so cleverly arranged in a way that costs you money.
  • This website is nothing more than a sequence of 1's and 0's fervently attempting to claim a stronghold in the never ceasing flow of the internet, caught in a perpetual struggle of titan proportions.
  • I look forward to graduating highschool.  And then graduating college.  And then graduating from a job (retiring).  And then graduating to......death?  Oh dear I have wet myself.  ohhhhh
  • Usurpers come in all shapes and sizes.  Pay closer attention to the five legged ant next time.
  • What kind of a state is Ohio? I dont believe in Ohio.

(note: this really is part of my site and is not an ad)

Picture of the whenever I feel like changing it

i shouldnt be!

AAAARRRggghlspsplinks eat you...


This text has no valid point.

numbers have higher priority than you 

ho ho ho subliminally hidden text. seeeennnd usss mooneeyyyy! seeeend uss monneeeyyy!!  

"I have found true meaning in life through this site." - Henry David Thoreau
"Rushualand is the reason I have such an enormous amount of body hair." - Russell Crowe 
"I have finally found tranquility in my despair." - Someone Famous
"The..." - God

shibbity shib (that means 'click here')

Ads are from the devil, boycott them.